We are a congregation of Christian disciples hailing from a variety of backgrounds, united in our love for the Triune God of Scripture, whose glory shines in the face of Jesus Christ. “We love Him because He first loved us” (1 Jn. 4:19).
For a detailed analysis of the nature and importance of church membership, we recommend listening to our pastor’s 8-part sermon series explaining our membership vows from Scripture, along with some additional articles by Rev. Stephen Pribble.
Following the pattern of Scripture, we regard the children of our professing members as visible members of Christ’s kingdom (Lk. 18:16) and worthy recipients of baptism as a visible sign and seal of God’s covenant of grace (Gen. 17:7; Acts 2:39). When an infant is baptized, his or her parents must affirm our Covenant of Baptism.
While we do not presume our baptized children to be elect or regenerate, we do acknowledge them as true members of Christ’s visible church. As such, they are rightful heirs to the oracles and promises of God (Rom. 3:1-2), which we pray will “lead them to repentance” (Rom. 2:4), and “make them wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 3:15).
In order for baptized members to become communicant members (and so gain access to the Lord’s Table), we require a mature and credible profession of saving faith in Jesus Christ, as outlined in our Covenant of Communicant Membership. To learn more about the status of children in the New Covenant, click HERE.
Finally, we believe that the entire church has a role to play as “salt”, “light”, and “leaven” in this world of darkness, decay, and despair. Fundamentally, this involves singleminded devotion to Christ in our most basic duties in the home, the workplace, the classroom, the pew, and the public square. As our Lord declared, we must, in every aspect of life “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” and seek to “observe all things that I have commanded you” (Matt. 6:33; 28:18). In doing so, “The kingdom of heaven” will be “like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened” (Matt. 13:33).